Mastering the Art of Trading Psychology: The Power of Embracing Breaks

Henrique M. Simões
2 min readFeb 9, 2024


In the realm of trading psychology, one often encounters a fundamental yet frequently disregarded concept — the importance of embracing breaks. Trading psychology suggests that the challenges traders face are closely linked to their current mental and emotional states. Picture this: there are moments of sharp focus and wise decision-making, juxtaposed with instances where stress can trigger less-than-optimal reactions. This is where the art of mindfulness emerges as a crucial factor for success in the ever-changing world of trading.

The heart of the matter lies in recognizing and, if needed, adjusting our mental states. Mindfulness acts as a powerful tool, guiding our attention inward. While immersing oneself in the complexities of trading is essential, becoming overly absorbed in oneself can backfire. The significance of taking breaks during trading goes beyond just reacting to adversity; it’s a proactive habit of regularly assessing oneself. Regular breaks ensure that we stay in the best mental and physical condition for sharp trading decisions.

Practically speaking, try incorporating a random alarm into your trading routine. When it goes off, see it as a signal to temporarily step away from trading, seizing the opportunity at a convenient moment. Take a moment for introspection — are you in the right mental state for effective trading? Stepping away from the screens isn’t just about reducing stress; it’s also about refreshing your awareness, perhaps by taking a stroll outside. As you return to your trading desk, you come back not only with a clear mind but also with a fresh perspective — a strategic pause, reminiscent of a well-timed pit stop in the fast-paced world of trading.

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Henrique M. Simões

Professional trader. Author of the book "Trading Course: How to Become a Consistently Winning Trader"